Monday, December 18, 2017

He is the Gift

Irvine is fantastic! I am loving the weather and the people here! I am in a tripanionship, with Sister Bullard and Sister Ferrel. They are amazing! 
We had a baptism on Saturday for Amanda. It was so cool to get to know her and help with the last couple of lessons leading up to her baptism. She is so firm in her testimony and a great example of faith and love. Her parents aren't members, but she knows the gospel will bless her life, so she got baptized. I loved it when she received the gift of the Holy Ghost. What an incredible gift that we can receive! 
We are in a YSA ward and a family ward. The college is in our boundaries, and so we contacted there as well, and that was neat. 
Tagalog is still coming along. Each day I get some study time, and GUESS WHAT! We have a few Filipino people who we can teach, and I can converse in Tagalog with them. This week we should be able to meet some of them. 
I hope you all have a great Christmas! I am so grateful that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." (John 3:16) I know that Christ is our Savior and that through Him, we can find peace and hope and become more like Him. He is the reason for my joy! He is the Gift!
I love you all!

Sister Keeley

Picture: Me, Amanda, Sister Ferrel, Sister Bullard

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